The famous vodka of Russia
• Brand with over 50 years history.
• Produced according to the highest standards of Russian vodka production.
• The best-selling vodka of the Soviet Union.
• 100% State Quality Control.
• Owns "Russian vodka" certificate of Appellation of origin, which guarantees special features defined according to requirements of the Russian Government.
• Producedbottled only in Russia with Russian ingredients.
Russkaya vodka is distilled using high quality natural wateris filtered through birch coalquartz sand, leading to its high qualityunique flavour. Ussr absolute record holder in the spirits production volumes: 3386520000 bottles of Russkaya were produced in 1982. Slight Vodka Aroma, mild taste, piquant bitterness of aftertaste have made the brand the national heritage. Great neat, with icein a cocktail.
The first vodka was produced at the Chudov Monastery in Russia in 1430.
The official term "vodka" appeared for the first time in decree of Elizabeth I "Who is allowed to have cubes to distil vodkas" published on June 8, 1751.
Russian chemist Toviy Lovits proposed to use charcoal to clear vodka of fusel oils in 1789.
Alcohol capacity standard - 40% - was adopted byof M. K. Reitern, the Finance Minister of the Russian Empire in 1866.
Brand "Russkaya" was established by the Ministry of Food industry of the USSR in Moscow.
Big Gold Medal on the Plovdiv International Fair.
«Русская» ― самая русская среди водок.
"Russkaya" - the famous vodka of Russia. In 1982 its annual sales set a world record -
3 386 520 000 bottles!
The soul closest to Russia: pure Russian Vodka
The Bryansk distillery
The Bryansk distillery was founded in the 90s of the XIX century as the Bryansk State Wine Warehouse number 4was obliged his nascency to a state monopoly in Russia, which was initiated by Emperor Alexander IIIcarried out by the Minister of Finance Witte.
"Russkaya" has received updated labelsa new unique bottle shape.
Traditional technology - true quality
Enjoy Russkaya vodka neat in the Russian style:
Pour Russkaya vodka in decantercool it to -15˚C.
Prepare traditional Russian starters: pickled mushroomscucumbers, smoked salmoncaviar.
Drink by small sips of 40 ml with good food.
Cheers! Na zdorovie!